Each month, we contact each Care Provider to do a quick “check-in” with them. We ask if there are any problems we can help them with and we listen to any concerns they might have. Because nearly all of our Care Providers work in the field – patient’s homes – we seldom get a chance to see them in person.
When we check in with our Care Providers, it’s a chance for us to share with each other knowledge, experiences and stories in ways we can’t though email. The spontaneous flow of questions and answers between us is quicker and better because we can hear each other’s tone, pauses and voice inflections. And because we’ve picked up on these nuances while talking with each other, we’re better able to communicate in emails in between check-in calls.
Recently, one of our RN Nurses wrote to us about our monthly calls. She said: “I think it is great that the company checks in with their field staff and nurses! I think more home care companies should do this as there’s not a lot of day-to-day interaction between field staff and office staff! I just want to thank you for taking the time to make the call every month.”
We agree! Thank you for sending us your encouraging words and we’ll keep working hard to communicate with you and all of our Care Providers and patients!
Bill English, CEO
Accurate Home Care